[I spent the last three days of my tour visiting plantations, where I learned a great deal about
how historic sites interpret slavery. On my last day, there was a
‘showdown’ between Evergreen Plantation and Houmas House, the former of which
explained slavery in more detail than I had ever heard before on a historic
site, while the latter presented such ignorance I was insulted. The legacy of
slavery is a fractured one.]
“Friday 30th August – After
an early start we arrived at Evergreen Plantation (right), where most of Django
Unchained was filmed. (The ‘big house’ served as Big Daddy’s home where the
Brittle brothers worked). I was a little hesitant about going to this one at
first but luckily my Dad made an executive decision and it turned out to be one of
the best places to visit. In Charleston, the slave cabins at Boone Hall survived
mainly because they were made out of brick, but at Evergreen the slave cabins
are wooden and still survive today. The
‘big house’ was beautiful and quite small, since the front of the house is
quite deceiving. The tour was an hour and a half long, and we spent about half
that time exploring the 22 ORIGINAL slave cabins. Because of the Louisiana
heat, the slaves at Evergreen worked from sunrise to 10.30am, then 4.30pm to
dusk. During the hottest part of the day, they could hunt or tend to their own
gardens. Each cabin housed 2 or 3 families, which is actually quite a small
number compared to many other plantations. Large bells adorned the property to summon the field slaves at any time.
In the afternoon, we drove to Houmas House Plantation (below),
a completely different experience altogether. While Evergreen had been
respectful and balanced about the experiences of the enslaved population,
Houmas House ignored them entirely. I had expected this, as the leaflet
advertising the house did not mention slavery at all. The largest plantation
house in Louisiana, it was known as the “sugar palace” in the nineteenth
century. It is difficult to grasp how much wealth it acquired, but this should
help somewhat: in 1811, the house was sold for $300,000, and in the late 1840s
it was sold again for $1 million. I can’t even comprehend that amount of money.
We had a tour of the house by again, a woman dressed as a Southern Belle; I
have never paid so much attention to the language she used to describe things.
She would lead us into the bedroom and say “this is an c18th mahogany bed, and
whoever made it in the morning would have a real hard job because it was so
high.” Similarly, she would say “this is the dining room. Someone would have
set the table and prepare the numerous courses before the family were called.”
The word slave, or even servant was not mentioned once. This is frankly,
astounding and quite an achievement. I know it can depend on the tour guide,
but you can get a certain feel to a place where you know nostalgia for the
antebellum period is more important than historical fact. At the end of the
tour, I asked her about slavery. The guide looked at me carefully before
answering, and said “maybe around 1000.” When I pressed her further about it,
she replied there wasn’t much information that had survived about slavery, but
she clearly did not know much about it and did not want to know. To make
matters worse, she then had the audacity to say that “slaves were better off
than Northern factory workers” because they were fed, clothed and provided with
medical care. Now, I'm just starting out as a historian of slavery, I don’t
know everything and I don’t pretend to. But this was just plain wrong. I tried to speak to her with
an open mind, but I couldn’t help remembering the museum director in Natchez
who told me quite clearly of the nostalgic attitude he knew I would find here.
Unfortunately, he was proved right. In the nineteenth century, slaves were
meant to be seen and not heard. Today, we cannot let them fade into the
background, we have to hear their stories regardless of whether a plantation has the ruins
of slave quarters or not. The House did not even recognise the fact that slaves
lived, worked and died there: recognizing something is the
first step, but even then recognition is the not the same as acknowledgement,
respect, or understanding why or what happened. The legacy of slavery is
divisive, proving that the racial and social cracks after the Civil War have
not healed. I present no solution, only to offer the idea that we have to talk
through our difficult periods of history in order to seal those cracks. A
fractured society does not present much hope.
[When I returned home, I posted a review on
TripAdvisor about the House. I created an account mainly because I wanted to
write about the amazing museums I went to, but I thought I would write
something about this particular plantation. I mentioned my disappointment at
the lack of information about slavery, and less than 12 hours later I received
a private reply. “Did the house advertise it was a place to learn about slavery
or did you assume you would learn about it because you were in the South?” This
reply, more than anything, proves how some people are so touchy and defensive
about this issue. How unwilling they are to accept the truth. I replied calmly
that I had kept an open mind about all the places I visited – I travelled to
sites where African Americans held slaves, where white people were held as
indentured servants in similar conditions to slavery, places where black slaves
were treated remarkably fairly for the time, etc. I expected to learn about slavery
at Houmas because slavery existed there. I
have received no reply since.]
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